+358 44 794 5669 matkailu@mikkeli.fi

Winetasting & Sapas in Anttola, Mikkeli

Winetasting & Sapas in Anttola, Mikkeli

Winetasting and sapas at the Ollinmäki winery in Anttola, Mikkeli.

Unique wines and tapas from South Savo. Winetasting include a guided tasting moment (1h), three different farm berry and fruit wines and three sapas that emphasize the flavors of the wines.

Ollinmäen Viinitila Oy

Anttolantie 1640
52100 Anttola




Mon 10:00-18:00

Tue 10:00-18:00

Wed 10:00-18:00

Thu 10:00-18:00

Fri 10:00-21:00

Sat 10:00-18:00

Sun 10:00-18:00