+358 44 794 5669 matkailu@mikkeli.fi

Varpanen Cycling Tour

Varpanen Cycling Tour

This route takes you through the forest avoiding the more challenging sections. Sammalinen goahti is an ideal spot for a snack. There’s a well, but on hot summer days it maybe empty. You may find also geocache nearby.

Resting Place
• Sammalinen goahti

Places to visit and services
• Mäntyharju church
• The village kiosk
• Art Center Salmela and restaurant Kesäheinä
• Old vicarage musem site
• War veterans memorial park and museum

Starting point
Mäntyharju center
Asematie 3, 52700 Mäntyharju

NB: On a page www.mantyharju.fi/mantyharju-in-english/ you'll find a brochure in English.

Mäntyharjun kunta

52700 Mäntyharju



