Exhibition in Mikkeli Art Museum 21.3.–18.5.2025.
Silence is often narrowly understood as the lack of speech or noise. Silence can, however, open a door to areas of inner hearing and seeing, to an experience where there is potential for an encounter with, the presence of and connection with the Other. Silence is startling, because it only opens up after confronting restlessness and inner clamor. Silence is current.
Manifesto of Stillness is a group of artists that began from artist Ville Löppönen’s study of silence. Löppönen has gathered five artists whose practices center on silence. Silence is an invitation to the unarticulated, to the permeability of inner visions and experiences. Ulla Karttunen, Jukka Korkeila, Anni Löppönen, Ville Löppönen and Henry Wuorila-Stenberg invite us to experience the silence they encounter in their work. Within that silence, a miracle takes place and is given shape in the resulting work of art.
The exhibition was produced with support from the Finnish Heritage Agency.